Frequently Asked Questions about the Seasonal Vaccines
The COVID vaccines this year are targeting KP.2 (Pfizer or Moderna via mRNA) or JN.1 (Novavax via protein). Last year the effectiveness of the vaccines provided about 60% protection and it is not known yet what this year will bring. The mRNA vaccines are targeting the more up to date variants and Pfizer is probably better for those concerned about the risk for myocarditis (ie younger males). BWPC is stocking the Pfizer vaccine this year. Novavax is targeting an older variant and is best for those who have had significant side effects from the mRNA formulas. The initial immunity produced is not as robust but there may be longer lasting benefits for immunity. Novavax is not available at BWPC this year but may be available at a local pharmacy or Costco.
The seasonal flu vaccine this year covers three strains of influenza. This year is is thought to be an “excellent” match based on data from the Southern Hemisphere which occurs first. Four manufacturers are producing the vaccine. BWPC is stocking the single-dose syringe Fluarix (regular and high dose) brand this year. The recommendation is for everyone 6 months+ to receive the vaccine to reduce the risk of needing medical attention by 40-60%.
Since the flu season likely goes through March and the immunity does wane over time, there is the logic to get your vaccine(s) in or around October but of course getting it done when convenient is better than missing the opportunity. Yes, you can safely receive both the flu and the COVID vaccines at the same time without added concern for effectiveness or side effects.
If you were recently infected, wait 4-6 months. It does not hurt to get it earlier but some research shows that waiting allows for a better immune response to the booster vaccine
The RSV infection is another major respiratory infection which now has vaccine support. There are three RSV vaccines available at this time. This is NOT an annual vaccine but rather a once and done vaccine (for now). This vaccine can be done anytime in the year and not only during the fall/winter season because the immunity is long lasting. INDICATIONS: For those age 60-74 – it could be considered if you have any additional risk factors like lung disease or an immunocompromised state. For age 75 and older, it is recommended to take the vaccine. Because Medicare covers this vaccine under the “D” plan (like the ShingRix), this vaccine needs to be received by the pharmacy. BWPC is not stocking the RSV vaccine for this reason. Side note: pregnancy is another time to consider getting a RSV vaccine to protect the newborn up to age 6 months
Watch the trends in virus by reading up from a trusted source. At current time of this blog the COVID infections are high (but peaked) and the flu and RSV rates have not yet climbed but are expected. One excellent source of information is Dr. Katelyn Jetelina “Your Local Epidemiologist” who you can subscribe to for good evidence based details. Masking surely reduces your risk in public crowded spaces but may not be necessary if you are in trusted environments. Also, consider if you or your close contacts are “high risk” so that in those circumstances you could make for concern of getting infected just before visiting with someone or taking a trip on an airplane. We must balance the practical with the conscientious. Remember that colds/flus have been around since the beginning of humanity but now we have more information which can be both a blessing and a burden. Always feel like you can protect yourself with masking on occasion to meet your comfort.

Current patients of BWPC can walk in to either office without an appointment to request a shot. The wait may be up to 15 minutes to get the vaccines and hopefully not longer. Please arrive only during regular weekday business hours. If you have an upcoming appointment, you will be offered your vaccines then. Remember that we will not be stocking the RSV or Novovax COVID vaccines this year.
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