Here are valuable tips to keep our patients healthy through the flu season. 2019-2020 may prove to be a rough influenza season so here are things you can do to minimize your family’s risk.
- Get a flu shot! We are stocked and ready to give you your protection.
- This year BWPC is stocking 3 types of shots.
- Those > 65 years old will receive high dose which is 4x stronger than the standard dose (results in 24% fewer infections per studies).
- Those ages 50 to 64 years old will receive FluBlok (3x stronger than standard).
- Those under age 50 (>6 months old) will receive the standard dose.
- Walk in at your convenience to either of our locations starting now.
- Read the latest CDC recommendations and surveillance info here.
- This year BWPC is stocking 3 types of shots.
- Wash your hands PROPERLY. We are still teaching patients how to properly wash hands both in public and also in their homes. Make sure to watch this video on how to turn off the sink and to handle door knobs in bathrooms and kitchens, even at home!
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose which are areas which absorb germs easily.
- Limit exposure to crowds and turn away from the sneeze/cough. It is impossible to quarantine yourself during the season but it is wise to be more aware of what surfaces you touch and how close you are to sick individuals who may be symptomatic. Try to turn away from those who have active coughing or sneezing since those germ particles can stay afloat for a few feet.
- Disinfect your hands and surfaces when possible.
- Keep your immune system at its best! This is the hardest part!
- Nothing else compares to proper sleep (no less than 7 hours per night) and nutrition in keeping you strong and protected.
- Know the symptoms of the flu! If you get exposed or begin to feel ill, symptoms can last 7-10 days. These include fever/chills, fatigue, coughing, sneezing and headache.
- If you do fall ill, make sure to get extra rest and avoid others to prevent you from spreading the disease to others.
- Early intervention will shorten the duration of illness.
- If you are someone with chronic illness, asthma, older age, or high risk for complications, it may be best to call the office for an antiviral medication. These can shorten the duration of illness but do have their own side effects to include nausea and vomiting.